The GIC is an advisory board that will provide advice on strategies and policies, promote best practice and innovation in health data, and advance the Beamtree mission to mobilise the power of data for a healthier, happier world.
The GIC is an advisory board that will provide advice on strategies and policies, promote best practice and innovation in health data, and advance the Beamtree mission to mobilise the power of data for a healthier, happier world. The GIC will lead thought leadership programs to promote the priority of quality in healthcare and convene an annual international conference organised by Beamtree. It will oversee programs to empower global comparison of health outcomes and pro-bono initiatives to support improvements in data quality in developing nations.
Dr Mark Britnell is one of the foremost global experts on healthcare systems and has led organizations at local, regional, national and global levels – provider and payer, public and private. He has worked in 80 countries, advising on health service reform as global healthcare expert.
The full membership of GIC will be announced shortly.