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Global Advisory Board


The Global Impact Committee (GIC) is an advisory board that provides advice on strategies and policies, promotes best practice and innovation in health data, and advances the Beamtree mission to mobilise the power of data for a healthier, happier world.

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Promoting priority of quality in healthcare

The Global Impact Committee leads thought leadership programs to promote the priority of quality in healthcare and will convene an annual international conference organised by Beamtree. It oversees programs to empower global comparison of health outcomes and pro-bono initiatives to support improvements in data quality in developing nations.

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Using AI to unleash patient power

Human Intelligence

Human Intelligence: Using AI to unleash patient power highlights the success of healthcare organisations around the world that have found a way to develop new patient-facing digital services at speed and, critically, scale. This report illustrates how they made the leap towards digital disintermediation – putting more power in the hands of patients, improving access, reducing costs, and saving time for clinicians.

The COVID-19 pandemic forced healthcare to become more digitally savvy, yet the extra healthcare costs during the pandemic have now become fossilised in old ways of working which have lowered healthcare productivity. We hope this report illustrates some ways in which it can be changed.

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Automation, Digitisation and the Workforce

More Time to Care

Automation is a powerful tool in the pursuit of error-free healthcare, higher productivity and a better patient experience. The Global Impact Committee’s latest report, More Time to Care: Automation, Digitisation and the Workforce, highlights the enormous potential of automation and digitisation in healthcare. It points to the many success stories that can be found across the world. Additionally, it critically looks at the barriers and obstacles health faces.

With demand for care increasing and the workforce facing burnout and attrition, the question is – why hasn’t automation been put front and centre?

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Quality in retreat paper module
Reigniting the Debate on Quality

Quality in Retreat Report

This first report encapsulates the conversations driven by the Global Impact Committee in its first nine months of operation, where one key theme emerged: there has been a decline in the focus on quality by the leadership of health systems all over the world.

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