Data, insights, and action for better healthcare

Beamtree products and services

Picq_Full Colour RGB

Auditing the quality of clinical data

PICQ is the industry standard for assessing and reporting on the accuracy and specificity of clinically coded data.

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RippleDown Expert_Full Colour RGB

Advanced clinical decision support

RippleDown Expert automatically applies clinical expertise to generate patient-centric reports, replicating decision-making processes at scale.

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RippleDown Auditor_Full Colour RGB

Automates real-time data reviews

Ensuring accuracy across data entry, billing, and specimen reception, flagging suspected errors as they arise. It brings financial governance, visibility, and optimisation to pathology business processes.

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Risq_Full Colour RGB

Benchmarking best practice in clinical outcomes

Improving the efficiency and accuracy of coding teams through intelligent work allocation, real-time coding guidance and integrated reporting.

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Classifying clinical data

The most extensive quality assessment tool for clinically coded data.

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