New Release: PICQ Audit Module

Beamtree is excited to announce the release of PICQ Audit. PICQ Audit maximises hospital reimbursement and resource efficiencies by utilising big data to identify common gaps and coding deficiencies, flagging under-reported activities.

Analysing inpatient data to prioritise high-impact and high-value cases for review, Audit ensuring accurate complexity coding and long-term documentation improvements, ultimately supporting better patient care.  PICQ Audit identifies episodes of care which are likely to have coding or documentation deficiencies, and those where absent codes or documentation have the biggest opportunity to increase complexity and impact associated hospital revenue.

Key Features of PICQ Audit Module:

  • Real-time report generation: reports and audit lists can be generated in real-time, multiple times per month.
  • Expanded episode volumes: users can extract audit lists for 50, 100, or 200 episodes at a time, as many times as required.
  • Online accessibility: reports are available online as needed, without requiring administrative effort or follow-up.
  • Current data: utilises PICQ data, ensuring up-to-date information.
  • Targeted auditing: audit lists can be filtered by criteria such as Hospital, Length of Stay, Major Diagnostic Category, and Health Fund, allowing more focussed and targeted audits.
  • On-screen viewing and excel download: audit lists can be viewed on-screen within PICQ and downloaded into excel.

Key Benefits of PICQ Audit Module:

  • Improved funding optimisation: identifies coding deficiencies, ensuring accurate coding of complexity leading to better reimbursement.
  • Better resource allocation: helps prevent under-reporting of activity, ensuring equitable reimbursement and vulnerable patients receive necessary resources.
  • Increased efficiency: real-time, online access to reports reduces administrative burden and allows for timely interventions.
  • Enhanced data accuracy: utilises current data, ensuring decisions are based on the most up-to-date information.
  • Flexible and targeted auditing: customisable filters allow for focused auditing on specific areas of interest.
  • Support for business decisions: provides robust data to support strategic decisions and interventions.

PICQ Audit Module is an optional ‘add-on’ module to PICQ that requires an additional cost.


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