NHS leader joins Beamtree board

Beamtree is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof Andy Hardy to the board of directors.

Prof Hardy is Chief Executive Officer of University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (UHCW), one of the largest tertiary acute hospital Trusts in England. He is also Deputy Chair of the National Improvement Board and on the board of a number of organisations, including the West Midlands Cancer Alliance and is a member of the Beamtree Global Impact Committee.

Prof Hardy said: ‘I’m delighted to join the board of Beamtree and believe my experience as a senior health service leader and chief executive will support the company’s success and strategic direction. Innovation, specifically around AI, is something I have been increasingly focussed on as it has the potential to make care safer and smarter for patients. Beamtree are at the leading edge of this next chapter in healthcare.’


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